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About the Project

MILO is an Ape. MILO is Bored. MILO is Lost.


Caught between a world that didn’t appreciate him and a world that wants to dissect him, MILO is on a quest to find out where he really belongs.


A multi-platform story that blends fiction and reality, Season One ran from April 20 - May 13, 2022, and featured MILO's first-person narrative, as told across his and actress/producer Erika Alexander's Twitter accounts.


Season Two of MILO's adventure begins June 2022 as MILO arrives in Los Angeles, determined to find his older brother, Ron.

Milo The Bored APe


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A fish (ape) out of water. A musician, a poet, a thespian and a painter (scat art is his specialty) – Milo just needs to find the right environment that will appreciate his genius. Caught between a world that didn’t appreciate him, and a world that wants to dissect him – Milo is on a deranged, absurd and insane quest to find out where he really belongs.

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Milo's overbearing older brother, committed to bringing Milo back to the Monkey Nebula. But why did he have to drink the serum???



Ben Arnon

Executive Producer

Milton Liu



